Abraham Lincoln
was the third dead president, and the 25th overall, that my wife Debbie
and I visited on "The Five
DPOTUS Tour '05".
Along with the dead presidents, we picked up
dead vice presidents, dead supreme court chief justices and losing
presidential candidates. We started out from Bayonne early in the
morning on Saturday, August 27. We drove through Pennsylvania and into
Ohio. We stopped in Fremont, Ohio to visit Rutherford B. Hayes. The
next day we continued, with numerous
stops, to Chicago. After spending the week in Chicago, we
headed on to Iowa to get Herbert Hoover and then back to Springfield,
Illinois. The next morning we visited Abraham Lincoln and then headed
off to Indianapolis, Indiana to see Benjamin Harrison, then on to
Dayton, Ohio for the night. The next
day, after stopping in Columbus, we headed north toward Marion, Ohio
and Warren G. Harding. Not bad for one
We got an
early start to our day in Springfield. We first visited Lincoln's
We then went to the brand new Abraham Lincoln
Presidential Library and Museum. The museum just
opened in October of 2004. The museum is a must see. It has a walking
tour of Lincoln's life using wax figures and re-created scenes from
Lincoln's life (the log cabin, his law office, Lincoln's Office in
the White House, Ford's Theatre and Lincoln lying in state to name
some). We toured the old Illinois Statehouse. We visited the
train station Lincoln used when he left Springfield in 1861 for the
last time. Finally, we went to Oak Ridge Cemetery to visit the man
Lincoln is considered one of our greatest
presidents. Possibly, after Franklin Pierce, he had one of the hardest
personal lives. Lincoln, who has a number of nicknames like Honest
Abe, the Rail Splitter and the Great Emancipator. has a number of first
attributed to him. He was the first president born in the frontier. He
was the first Republican president. Unfortunately for him, he was also
the first president to be assassinated. Lincoln is famous for
guiding the country through the Civil War, emancipating the slaves and
giving one of the most famous speeches in history, "The Gettysburg
Lincoln was
born in a one-room log cabin to uneducated, illiterate farmers (Thomas
Lincoln and Nancy Hanks). He was named after his grandfather who had
been murdered by Indians. From an early age, Lincoln became
exposed to anti-slavery sentiments from his parents. Lincoln's family
moved from kentucky to Indiana, where Lincoln's mother died when he was
nine. From there, he moved to Illinois. His formal education consisted
of perhaps 18 months of schooling from
unofficial teachers. In effect he was self-educated, studying every
book he could borrow.
began his political career in 1832 at age 23 with a campaign for the
Illinois General Assembly as a member of the Whig Party. He taught
himself law and became a lawyer. n 1841, Lincoln entered law practice
with William Herndon, a fellow Whig. In 1846, Lincoln was elected to
one term in the U.S. House of Representatives. A staunch Whig, Lincoln
often referred to party leader Henry Clay as his political idol. As a
freshman House member, Lincoln was not a particularly powerful or
influential figure in Congress. He spoke out against the war with
Mexico, which he attributed to President Polk's desire for "
glory — that attractive rainbow, that rises in showers of blood".
Lincoln became very despondent over the country's fevent support of the
war. He decided not to run for re-election and returned to his law
practice in Springfield.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which expressly
repealed the limits on slavery's spread that had been part of the
Missouri Compromise of 1820, drew Lincoln back into politics. In 1856,
he helped form the new Republican Party, drawing on remnants of the old
Whig, Free Soil and Democratic parties. Senator Stephen Douglas of
Illinois (who is buried in Chicago) proposed popular sovereignty (let
the people of the territory vote for slavery or not) as the solution to
the slavery. Lincoln ran against Douglas for senator in 1858 in which
he delivered a famous speech
in which he stated, "
A house divided
against itself cannot stand. I
believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half
free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the
house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will
become all one thing, or all the other." This made him very
popular with the anti-slavery Republicans. Lincoln didn't win the
election, but through a series of debates with Douglas, he allied
himself with those opposed to slavery.
[PHOTO: Debbie and I are standing in front
of the tomb. People rub the nose of the bronze bust at the entrance.
It's the work of Gutzon Borglum, who is famous for his creation at
Mount Rushmore (which also includes Lincoln). I couldn't resist either
and I rubbed the nose also.]
Republicans choose Lincoln as their candidate in the 1860 presidential
election mainly because his views were more moderate then some other
Republicans making him more electable. On November 6, 1860, Lincoln was
elected the 16th President of the United States, beating Democrat
Douglas, John C. Breckenridge of the Southern Democrats and John C.
Bell of the new Constitutional Union Party. He won entirely on the
strength of his support in the North: he was not
even on the ballot in nine states in the South (and won only 2 of 996
counties in the other Southern states). Lincoln gained 1,865,908 votes
(39.9% of the total,) for 180 electoral votes.

Southern states felt that they had no saw in
the government when a man can be elected without any southern votes.
They saw secession as their only option. South Carolina took the lead
followed by six other cotton-growing states: Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. The seven Confederate states seceded
before Lincoln took office, declaring themselves an entirely new
nation, the Confederate States of America. After South Carolina fired
on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor on April 12, 1861, to start the
Civil War, four more states, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and
Arkansas seceded and joined the Confederacy.
[PHOTO: The bronze
figure seen here is by the tomb's designer, Larkin G. Mead, and stands above
the tomb entrance, depicting Abraham Lincoln as President. One hand
grasps a scroll symbolizing the Emancipation Proclamation while the
other hand rests on the Faces, the Roman symbol
of justice]
The Civil war
started out poorly for Lincoln and the Union. Poor generals and poorer
military strategy led to a number of defeats. On September 17, 1862,
the Union Army stopped an invasion by General Robert E. Lee into
Maryland at the Battle of Antietam in what was the bloodiest day of the
Civil war and in American history. Though Union general George B.
McClellan missed a golden chance to crush the Confederates and end the
war, Lincoln claimed victory anyway and decided to issue the
Emancipation Proclamation. The proclamation (which freed slaves in
rebellious states (not border states) not under control of the Union
Army) freed few slaves it did change the goal of the war from reunited
the country to ending slavery.

After the Union victory at Battle at
Gettysburg, where Lee's second invasion of the north was stopped in a
bloody three-day battle, Lincoln traveled to Gettysburg to give his
famous speech saying "
that this nation, under God, shall have a new
birth of freedom — and
that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth." Lincoln won- re-election and the Union
Army, now led by General Ulysses S. Grant, slowly grounded down the
military of the Confederacy in one bloody battle after another.
Lincoln's second inaugural address expressed hope for a new united
country after the war when he said, "
with malice toward none, with
charity for all...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just
and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
[PHOTO: Four bronze
military groups, representing the infantry, navy, artillery
and cavalry of the Civil War period, anchor the Lincoln tomb
design on the exterior. Larkin Mead, who designed all of them, sketched
Civil War battle scenes for Harper's Weekly in 1861 before moving to
Italy. Here you see the Infantry Group on the left front of the tomb. A gift
from the city of Chicago, it depicts soldiers on the march. Even the
drummer boy has drawn a revolver as the group prepares to charge.]
On April 9,
1865, General Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
The war was almost over. However, Lincoln did not survive to see the
end; just five days after Lee surrendered, Lincoln was assassinated.
On Friday
night, April 14, Lincoln and his wife, Julia, attended Ford's Theatre
in washington D.C. to see a play, "Our American Cousin." General Grant
and his wife were invited to attend also, but declined. Instead Major
Henry Rathbone and his fiancee went with the Lincoln's. John Wilkes
a well-known actor and a Confederate spy from Maryland, heard that the
President and Mrs. Lincoln would be attending Ford's Theatre. Booth,
angry at Lincoln for the Confederacy's defeat, decided to assassinate

As Lincoln sat in his state box in the balcony
of Ford's Theatre, Booth crept up
behind the President's box and aimed a single-shot,
round-slug .44 caliber Deringer
at his head, firing at point-blank range. The bullet entered behind
Lincoln's left ear and lodged behind his right eyeball. Major Henry
Rathbone momentarily grappled with Booth but was cut by Booth's knife.
Booth then shouted "
Sic semper tyrannis!"
(Latin: "Thus always to tyrants") and escaped. A twelve day manhunt
ensued, in which Booth was chased by Federal agents, until he was
finally cornered in a barn in Virginia and shot, dying soon after.
[PHOTO: In the photo
at right you see another of the four statues. In 1883 the city of
Boston donated the Cavalry Group seen here, which stands to the right
of the Lincoln statue. It shows a dying Union soldier who fell from his
horse, supported by a comrade.]
An army
surgeon, Doctor Charles Leale, quickly assessed the wound as mortal.
The President was taken across the street from the theater to the
Petersen House,
where he lay in a coma for nine hours before he died. Several
physicians attended Lincoln, including U.S. Army Surgeon General Joseph
K. Barnes of the Army Medical Museum. Using a probe, Barnes located
some fragments of Lincoln's skull and the ball lodged 6 inches
inside his brain. Lincoln never regained consciousness and was
officially pronounced dead at 7:22 a.m. April 15, 1865.
Lincoln's body was returned to the White House, his body was prepared
for his "lying in state" in the East Room where his 'first' funeral
would take place..
The torment of
Lincoln's soul was over, however, the torment on his body would still
go on. Lincoln's body was carried by train in a special railroad car in
a grand funeral procession
1,700 miles through several states on its way back to Illinois. The
nation mourned
a man whom many viewed as the savior of the United States. This would
take an incredible 20 days. His body would lie in state in many
different places throughout the country (like New York City hall). In
the meantime, there was the question where to bury Lincoln? The
citizens of Springfield wanted to erect a magnificent tomb in downtown
Springfield, but his wife said absolutely not. She wanted him buried in
rural Oak Ridge. It was one of the new landscaped cemeteries like
Green-wood in Brooklyn or
Forest Lawn
Cemetery in Buffalo. In the end, his wife won out and he
was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery
in Springfield where a 177-foot-tall tomb made of Massachusetts granite
surmounted with several bronze statues of Lincoln was constructed by
1874. Lincoln's wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, and three of his four sons are
also buried there (Robert Todd Lincoln, the only son to live into
adulthood, is buried in Arlington National Cemetery). In 1874, upon
completion of the memorial, Lincoln's remains were interred in a marble
sarcophagus in the center of a chamber known as the "catacombs," or
burial room.
In the years
following Lincoln's death, attempts were made to steal
Lincoln's body and hold it for ransom. In one attempt in 1876, only two
years after Lincoln was placed in the tomb, thieves broke into the tomb
and had partially removed the coffin before they were stopped. When
Mrs. Lincoln died in 1882, her remains were placed with those of
Lincoln, but in 1887 both bodies were reburied in a brick vault beneath
the floor of the burial room. During a rebuilding and restoration
program in 1899-1901,
all five caskets were moved to a nearby subterranean vault. In the
latter year, State officials returned them to the burial room and
placed that of Lincoln in the sarcophagus it had occupied from 1874 to
It was at this
time, Robert Todd Lincoln
decided that, in order to prevent body theft, it was necessary to build
a permanent crypt within the tomb for his father. Lincoln's coffin
would be encased in
concrete several feet thick, surrounded by a cage and buried beneath a
rock slab. In 1901, Lincoln's body was exhumed
so that it could be reinterred in the newly built crypt. However, those
present (a total of 23 people) feared that his body might have been
stolen in the intervening years, so they decided to open the coffin and
check. Lincoln's body was almost perfectly preserved. It had been
so many times following his death that his body had not decayed. In
fact, he was perfectly recognizable, even more than thirty years after
his death. The embalmers had covered his face in white chalk so he
could be recognized during the numerous times he was laid in state. On
his chest, they could see red, white and blue specks —
remnants of the American flag with which he was buried, which had by
then disintegrated.
[PHOTO: you can see the
cenotaph, a 7-ton block of reddish marble inscribed with Lincoln's name
and the years he lived over
Lincoln's tomb. Lincoln is ten feet below the monument encased in
cement. As you enter the monument, you will see bronze statues and
from some Lincoln speeches, including the model of the
sculpture at the Lincoln Memorial. A circular hallway leads to
the marble burial chamber seen here. The burial room features black and
white marble walls and a ceiling of gold leaf. The inscription "Now he belongs to
the ages," reputedly spoken by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton at the
time of Lincoln's death, is inscribed in the wall above the tomb. Nine
flags are arranged in a semicircle around the cenotaph. Seven of them;
the State flags of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois commemorate the homes of Lincoln and his
ancestors. The eighth and ninth are the Stars and Stripes and the
Presidential flag. (New Jersey's flag is in the left of the photo).
They are doing restoration on the
outside upper deck of the tomb while we were there, so we could walk
all of the way around it. If you turned around from the spot this
picture was taken from you would see the tombs of Mrs. Lincoln and
three of her four sons in the wall]
the tomb was being built, Lincoln was kept in a holding tomb n
orth of the present tomb at the base of the hill
(which you can still visit) from May to December 1865. His 11-year old
son, Willie, who had died of typhoid fever in the White House back in
1862, was also kept here. After Willie's funeral in 1862, he was buried
in Oak Hill Cemetery in Georgetown.
Lincoln's assassination, Willie's coffin was dug up and went on the
funeral train back to Springfield. On December 21, both coffins were
re-interred in a temporary vault halfway up the hill behind the
monument that was under construction. The
location of the temporary vault is today marked with a small granite
marker on the hill behind the current tomb.
week earlier, the remains of Edward Lincoln (their 4-year old son who
died in 1850) had been transferred from Springfield's Hutchinson
Cemetery to the temporary vault. Their
remains rested here until September 19, 1871, when they
were transferred to the partially constructed permanent monument. They
joined the coffin of Lincoln's youngest son Thomas or Tad (who died of
in Chicago at age 18 in
1871), who was buried on July 17, 1871, the first family member to be
placed in the new tomb.
By 1871, all four Lincoln's were buried in the partially completed
permanent tomb. By 1874, Lincoln was in the center burial chamber
(however, not for long).
tomb was built with additional crypts for members of Lincoln's
family in addition to the five spaces already used. However, the
remaining members of Lincoln's family had decided not to be buried at
the tomb, as a result the other crypts remain empty.